Urkesh (Version 2)

Beta release


Digital monographs

Giorgio Buccellati – March 2002

Some sections of the website present a fuller treatment of a given topic that spans several digital pages. Because of their size and the specificty of the topic with which they deal, they are considered as distinct “digital monographs.” They differ from linear text monographs given in electronic format because the material is organized in digital pages, according to a proper digital dimension. They also differ from digital books, which are in effect like independent website accessed through the portal of the general Urkesh website.

Following is the current list of the digital monographs:

author Urkesh website UGR websites
G. Buccellati Site Presentation      -
     - Digital Thought      -
     - Royal Inscriptions      -
     - Seal Legends      -
     -      - Stratigraphic Analysis
     -      - Typological Analysis
     - Storage Collections
G. Buccellati Human figurines      -

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